The BBJ Top Charitable Contributor Award
The Boston Business Journal has named Metropolitan Cabinets & Countertops an honoree in its annual Corporate Citizenship Awards for 2022, 2021 and 2020, a recognition of the region’s top corporate charitable contributors. The Boston Business Journal annually publishes this list to showcase charitable companies that promote and prioritize giving back to their communities.
This feat that is even more important during times of turmoil and crisis like we experienced in 2020.
“During a year filled with unprecedented events and change, it’s incredible to think that the Boston Business Journal’s Corporate Charitable Contributors list is the largest we have ever compiled. These companies give back at least $100,000 to the local community, and now we are in a time when giving back and helping one another is more important than ever,” said Boston Business Journal Market President and Publisher Carolyn Jones. “These philanthropic companies prioritize the welfare of our communities, and we are excited to be able to honor them.”
Who Made the Charitable Companies List?
In 2020, 107 charitable companies — a record number — qualified for the distinction by reporting at least $100,000 in cash contributions to Massachusetts-based charities and social-service nonprofits last year. The honorees include companies from health care, technology, financial and professional services, retail, professional sports and more. In 2021, 98 companies including Metropolitan made the list.
How Metropolitan Gives Back
Metropolitan not only contributes financial support to local organizations, but product donations, too. Metropolitan supplies new cabinets and countertops for all of Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston’s new homes – including the kitchens and bathrooms. Metropolitan president, Stuart Elfland, said “When I learned Habitat Greater Boston serves people right in my community, I knew I could help, and it seemed natural to make use of my company’s capabilities.”
Metropolitan believes giving back to the community is extremely important, particularly with our factory resources, which allows us to help make a difference in people’s homes and lives.
Learn more about the organizations Metropolitan supports and partners with annually.